Thursday, June 5, 2014

Throwback Thursday

A year ago yesterday I took this picture of Titus and I.  He was still the baby of the family -- and I thought he would stay the baby of the family!  Nope.  God had other plans obviously.

Titus is the perfect third child.  He is tiny, but he packs a mean punch!  He is also the sweetest, softest little brute you could ever meet.  Paul and I thought he would be jealous when the new baby came.  He is the complete opposite!  Our little boy adores Phebe with all of his heart.  He cannot stand when other people hold her -- because he wants to hold her!

Dear God,
Bless my son, Titus, and help him to keep his wonderful spirit that he has today.  I know he's only 19 months, but I pray you work on his heart now to be who You want him to be.  Help him to grow up to love You more than anything or anyone in the world.  Help him to love life as much as he does right now as a tiny little boy.  Keep him safe from danger.  Protect him when I cannot.

Looking back at pictures is so fun!  It reminds me of the blessings that have been bestowed upon me.  God knows exactly when we need these reminders too.  His timing is always perfect!

Happy Throwback Thursday!

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