Monday, October 3, 2011

Ah, Monday..

I think most of us have a love/hate relationship with Monday.  I know I do.  Today I love it, and here's 10 reasons why:
  1. The entire house slept in till 9:00 a.m.
  2. I'm on top of my work so far.
  3. I folded a load of laundry already. Bonus!
  4. I finally signed up for Twitter --> Grace_and_Co
  5. Both babies are happy today.  If you were around yesterday, you would realize this is a big deal.
  6. I was able to drink my coffee while it was still hot.  That hardly ever happens!
  7. I heard Rythmn of Love today.  One of my currents favorite songs.
  8. I got to Skype my family in Arizona!
  9. I remembered to eat today.  Oh!  I almost forgot my prenatal vitamin, though..
  10. WE'RE HAVING TACOS TONIGHT!!!!!  I.  Love.  Tacos.
Can you think of at least 10 things that have made your Monday a good one?

1 comment:

  1. Excellent!!!!!!

    1. I (almost always) have the house to myself.

    2. It's a fresh week.... fresh start.

    3. Weekdays bring more structure than weekends. I like structure!

    4. I get to reconcile the Sunday coupons to the grocery store ads.

    5. On Mondays I make a larger pot of hot, fresh, home-brewed COFFEE!!!!!! (Starting to think our family may be addicted.)

    6. I often get a call from Aunt Lori AND Aunt Marcy on Mondays.

    7. It's a catch-up day from all the craziness of the weekend.

    8. I usually take the time to watch an episode of "19 Kids and Counting" or "A Baby Story" on Mondays.

    9. My very busy 18 y.o. son usually gets home early enough to have at least a short conversation.

    10. The hubster almost never has dinner meetings on Monday, so he gets home around 6:30-ish and we get to have a chill-out evening.

    Here's to many more Happy Mondays!

    Love you,
    Aunt Carmela


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