Monday, July 12, 2010


Only 8 more days of this bed rest..

Paul got up early for his usual workout- he is looking so good!!  Anyways, I stayed in bed and felt my daughter move like crazy.  I love that feeling.. but what I really look forward to is holding her snuggly body close to my chest, or to see her hot bod father hold her close.. how amazing that will be!

I realize that parenting is not always going to be peaches-n-cream.  There will be times that I will be too tired and frustrated to enjoy the responsibility of dirty diapers.  Zoe is going to be upset and there is nothing that mommy or daddy will be able to do to help her, but I still look forward to it.  Because, cranky or not, she is still a life that Paul and I created.  I love that thought..

As I was thinking about these things, I got really, really antsy!  8 more days?!  That seems so close, but at the same time it seems so far away!  Oh my word..  Bed rest is not for the weak!  I know I will take those words back as soon as I have this child, but as of right now, I just wanna walk!  I am not one to sit around and watch other people clean!  I'm getting so antsy..

I can only pluck so many of my eyebrows..

I can only give myself so many facials..

If I could reach my feet, I would give myself plenty of pedicures as well!

Only 8 more days of this insanity!

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