Friday, June 25, 2010

It just keeps getting better!

I wasn't at work 10 minutes before my boss told me we needed to "chat" later on today.  I had no idea what to expect!  I went ahead and got everything I needed done as soon as I could and then headed to the office. I couldn't help but wonder if she was letting me go- though I knew she couldn't because of my "condition."  Gotta love that!

I sat down and my boss said that she reviewed my admittance paper from the OB and was very concerned when she read that I was experience beginning stages of labor.  She felt like the best thing to do for the rest of this pregnancy is to put me on casual time- 4 hours a day, Monday - Friday.  It's the best she can do other than letting me go.

What I do when I'm not at work is my doing, but while I'm under her supervision she does not want me doing anything that can cause premature labor and it be on her hands.

I respect her for that.  I really do.

This gives me even more time to get things done for daycare- and get this!  I bought myself a planner. :)  I've already wrote down appointments and meetings with different people that will help me with daycare.  Sure, I have a phone that has a planner on it and all, but there's something about having a planner in hand.. I'm not 100% high-tech yet.

Moving on to other things..

My 4-year-old niece wanted to know more about this baby business and what she looked like.  I went onto and showed her what babies look like at 34 weeks.  She was pretty amazed!  I explained how Zoe was scrunched up and will be here one day soon- whenever she decided it was time. It was entertaining trying to explain to my niece that you could feel Zoe's bottom through my stomach.  Very funny!

Well, I'm off to rest.. kinda..

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