I think the worst day we have had (so far) was Monday. Skipping naps is never a good idea -- your kids will act like the devil. Why does that always surprise me? On top of that, I kind of forgot that Paul was gone, so by the time 6:00 came I was waiting for him to come home only to realize he wouldn't be! Ugh. We tried to FaceTime Paul that night, but it wasn't really working out, so that made all of us feel even WORSE! I finally decided we all needed to go to bed early. No one complained.
Thankfully we are over such a depressing day and have had fun since then! Yesterday we made a pretty tree with multi-colored leaves out of construction paper and put it on the window. We also made hand turkeys for the window! They are so adorable. I have a feeling Zoe will make more today now that she knows how.
Zoe also drew some other pictures that I thought were ADORABLE! I have a feeling she is going to be an amazing artist like her daddy and uncles. She amazes me with some of the pictures she draws already at 3!
Here is Zoe's "angry face" she drew last night. She cracks me up! I love how she drew the teeth. :-) Isn't that cute?
This is a picture of Papa Shu and me. Of course when she told me that I got a little teary eyed because I miss my family so much! I think I need to frame this one. It is so special to me.
I have a lot of respect for military and railroad families. Any family that has to go without their husband/dad! It is not easy.
Oh, Paul will be back tomorrow night! He gets in really late so the kids will have a spend the night with their Gram and then I will book a room down in Great Falls for us. I am so excited to see him, and I know the kids are anxious too! Zoe talks about missing him all day, everyday. We are so ready for him to be home where he belongs!
Adorable pictures!