During the football season our family likes to get together and watch our team and we make appetizers! This past Sunday wasn't any different. We had pizza pockets, hot wings, potato skins... I decided to look at some of the appetizers I have pinned on my Pinterest board. I found these yummy looking cheese bites and knew this is what I wanted to make! Plus the recipe sounded so easy -- just what I needed!
"string cheese chopped into bite size pieces, dipped in milk and bread crumbs, baked at 425 for 8-10 minutes- serve with marinara sauce! Delish!"
Sounds easy enough, right? Almost too good to be true, right? Well...
When I started putting my appetizer together, my sister-in-law asked if my cheese was frozen in advance. I'm sure I looked like a deer caught in the headlights. She said that she had found a recipe like this online, but the cheese needed to be frozen overnight first. Oh snap. My too-good-to-be-true recipe didn't say anything about that! We popped my appetizer tray in the freezer for maybe half an hour while waiting for my turn with the oven. When it was my turn, I popped them in and waited 10 minutes, hoping for the best.
Well...10 minutes later...
My little cheese balls turned into cheese dump. Pretty sad looking, huh? I was pretty disappointed. But we all scraped some "Who Hash" onto our plates and ate them anyway. They still had great flavor despite their ugliness! I didn't fail completely I guess! But this is a pin I am definitely deleting off my Apps and Zerts board. I might try again and freeze my cheese in advance, but let's face it...who remembers to freeze cheese in advance? This recipe seemed too good to be true -- because it was!
Se la vie! I have (now) have 298 more recipes to try in my Apps and Zerts board, so I am not discouraged! If you want to check out some of my recipes I have pinned, go to my board by clicking HERE!
This Fall I have plans to do a lot of Pinterest crafts with the kids. Surely you can't go wrong with kid's crafts! Can you? I want to make Fall colored leaves with our handprints, garlands made out of felt leaves and yarn, maybe make a wreath with construction paper and real leaves from outside... Great ideas to keep us busy almost everyday, right? What could possibly go wrong?
I'm totally addicted to Pinterest and love seeing how other people's attempts have turned out. What a bummer this time; But I'm glad they still tasted good! Can't wait to see some of those kids crafts. I want to do some with my daughter too. I have tons of boards if you'd like to see http://www.pinterest.com/cyndallrocks I'll be checking yours out!