Tuesday, March 26, 2013

100+ Toddler Challenge

Lately I have noticed that my babies spend more time watching Elmo than they do other activities.  Though I'm glad they're watching educational shows and learning, too much of a good thing...may not be a good thing.  We need to make sure to have more variety in this house!

Then I remembered my page above that is titled 101 Things to Do with Your Toddler.  I thought it would be fun to make sure to do at least one thing per day with my kids, take pictures, and then journal about it so I can remember our experiences when they're older.  This is going to be fun!

Some are really simple while others may take a little more imagination.  I'm really excited about this challenge!  When my kids grow up, I want them to remember me as a fun mom --- not one that just sat around watching TV with them.  I want them to learn more things from me than they do from a show!  That's what being a parent is all about.

So today we will do #1 and I will make sure to take pictures and let you know our experience!  It's coloring which is really simple so don't get too excited.  Haha!  But like I said, this is for me to remember the little things about motherhood that I don't want to forget!

So here we go!  Making memories one day at a time with the most beautiful babies I know. =)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ms. Freebush:) I believe quality time is imperative~ Sounds like you have a good plan for that! Wishing you God's best:)KEO


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