This is my floor.
And it's clean.
I don't know whose bright idea it was to invent white carpet, but whoever did should be drug out into the street and shot! I should have taken a before picture but it was too disgusting and embarrassing to keep as a reminder!
We now have clean carpet, though, and I'm starting to think maybe I should set some ground rules in the house..
Would I sound like a total jerk and would you feel unwelcome if I asked you to take your shoes off before entering my house?
I know that people take their shoes off as soon as they get home to be more comfortable, but the minute someone else asks you to take your shoes off -- at their house -- that comfort you feel from taking your shoes off after a long, hard day vanishes. Instead you start feeling insecure about feet smells, if your socks match (or don't match in this day and age), kicking yourself for not getting that pedicure you were thinking about getting for yourself a couple days ago, etc.
Forget it. I may have just talked myself out of my own idea.
We have a carpet by our front door that says "Shoes" on it. I dont think it is rude at all to ask people to NOT bring the dirt from outside onto your clean carpets, especially with having kids, who crawl all over, who knows what kind of dirt is getting on their skin, their clothes and in their Mouths.. Dont take it as being rude, just being a good House Wife, and Mother