Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Besties

This picture really takes me back!  Here is my good friend trying on her maid of honor dress (minus the t-shirt) days before my wedding.  I'm not sure why I was gagging her; maybe because my stomach was in knots and I needed to wring someone's neck?  Not sure.  But Sara was a trooper and let me use her neck.  Thanks Sara. :)

I really do love this picture.  We had a lot of great memories.

By the way, look how small my hips are!!  Man alive I was smokin'..


  1. Man alive! I thought you were 14! ☺

  2. GREAT PICTURE!!!! Love it. You look so much like Lyndi in this picture. Must be the glasses.

  3. Thanks ladies! Those were the days.. :)


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