Saturday, April 24, 2010

Flowers, Date Night, and Garage Sales

Yesterday I got to work in the laundry room at work. I was amazed at how fast time seemed to fly when I was down there. The Lord wanted me down there, though, because there was another woman down there who spoke broken English, and she was very, very sad. I noticed her shirt was tear stained, and thankfully she told me what was going on.

I guess her sister in Mexico had died the day before and her funeral was being held the very next day. She was very close to her sister, and it killed her that she wasn't there.. I felt so bad for her, I immediately ran to the gift shop and bought some flowers with a friend and we gave them to her. It was the least we could do. She gave us big hugs and sobbed in our arms. I know that little things like that is a ministry. I pray God touches her life.

I had left a note asking my husband out on a date last night. :) Call me sappy, but I loved doing it! It seems like I never see him. Our schedules are so hectic that we, now, have to schedule date nights. At least we make an effort to do something!

Cassie invited me to go garage sale shopping for baby furniture. It seemed like a great idea- especially since I'd love to paint the furniture, so I agreed. We hit all of the garage sales in town and found nothing. We still had fun getting to know each other better. There will be more garage sales this summer too. :)

I have had such a busy weekend! I'm enjoying it though. I'm not ready for Monday!

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